Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pre-Wedding Festivities

We just returned from Brett's wedding at Lake Texoma. There were many festivities before the actual wedding... Hawaiian bridal shower, nails & toes (and in some cases eyebrows), golfing, and of course - the rehearsal dinner. Pictures from the wedding and reception coming soon!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Beach Bums!

We spent my birthday weekend on Cape May! It was a quaint little Victorian town with a beautiful beach. We loved it.
And since we can't get enough of the ocean - we decided to head to Long Island this weekend to visit my college friend, Nikki. The kids had a ball playing in the sand and surf. Macy spent some time sleeping too!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Random stuff...

Did you know that in the summer the City smells like Pee?? Since there's not a lot of grass - the dogs just pee on the sidewalk. In the hot sun, the smell is not good!

After living here 8 months - I can honestly say that a cab is my least favorite mode of transportation. Nearly every time I ride in a cab (which is about 3-4 days a week) I get car sick. I think it's a combination of the heat (most of them are too cheap to run the a/c) and the constant swirving and slamming on the breaks. I much prefer walking. Second choice would be subway, then bus, then cab.

I found an awesome place to exercise! A friend told me about this class called Core Fusion which is a combination of yoga, pilates and ballet. It's great but costs $30 a class. If you buy a package of 10 classes - the cost drops to $25 a class. Sounded like a deal to me....

I have a new obsession! Tasti D-Lite! Someone needs to open one in Plano - they'd make a killing! It's like soft serve frozen yogurt, but non-dairy, only a few calories, almost no carbs, and very low-fat. It's like 80% air... but it's sooooooooo good!!! There's one on our block - so we're there a lot.

Last night we were startled to find our next door neighbor screaming in the hall at 10:00pm. These, by the way, are the same neighbors who complained about us making too much "hanger noise" in our closet. Anyway - evidentally there was a mouse (or mice) sighting in his apartment. He was screaming and carrying on about how we pay way too much rent to have mice in this building. Does he not know we live in NYC? Not to mention we're only on the 3rd floor. We haven't seen any mice yet and are feeling pretty confident that Libbie will scare them away!

Sweet Baby Lucy!

Sweet baby Lucy (and her sweet parents, of course) came to see us! We loved having them here - even Libbie was excited to see them. It's so nice to catch up with friends from the old 'hood. Thanks for making the trip!