Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Gotta Love the Texans!

Christine and Bryant Gullette have become our best friends in New York. We have lot's in common- they moved here from Texas too! We love to get a sitter and double date.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

GNO (Girls Nite Out)

Had a great GNO last week - thought I'd share a picture. We went to a great Cuban Restaurant on the UWS. I've really enjoyed getting to know the girls in my building... and unfortunately, two of them are moving this month. Like us, most of the people we meet are "Short Timers"!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

More Fun!

Lot's to tell...

I've been a bad blogger lately.... my life has gone from crazy to in-sane!
We've had lot's of visitors, lot's of fun days in the Park, and have started to settle into summer life in the Big Apple!
The City is hoppin'. All the restaurants have outdoor seating which makes for a lively fun neighborhood! Central Park, specifically "The Great Lawn", is our new favorite hangout. We picnic there atleast once a week. The kids can run wild without escaping because it's totally fenced in. Central Park is such a haven for New Yorkers.... it's an amazing place. These pictures capture some of our favorite moments from the last few weeks.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fun in the Sun!

After a week in the sun - we are rested, relaxed and ready to dive back into the crazy life in the big City!! Here are some favorite pics from Naples, Florida.