Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Fun!

Mimi and Poppy were here for a long Easter weekend. The weather was gorgeous! We spent lot's of time in the park Easter Egg Hunting and picnicing. My only disappointment was not getting the kids' picture with the Easter Bunny. I guess the Easter Bunny only makes appearances at Shopping Malls!

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Big Show....

Here's a picture of my "booth" at the New York Junior League Show. It was fun - but a ton of work! Of course, it was raining on the day of the show. Getting my stuff over there (in a cab in the rain) and up three floors was challenging! I made several good sales and a lot of great contacts. It was definitely an "experience" - I'm glad I did it.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Spring, Friends & Pink Lemonade

Spring is beautiful in NYC! The weather has been literally perfect for the past two weeks then out of the blue it snowed this week!!

We had our first Central Park picnic with Tammy, Spencer & Tyler who were visiting us last weekend. We spent an entire day walking around the park - it's amazing how much there is to do! We found a little remote-control boat pond...Griffin loved it. We also visited Ground Zero, shopped in Soho, and caught an off-broadway show "Altar Boyz". We had a wonderful weekend!

"Pink Lemonade" has been all but dead until last week when I committed to do a New York Junior League show. I've been crazy busy ordering & pricing new stock, and getting decorations for my booth (which included a trip to Michaels in Queens). I'm not sure what to exptect. This event may put "Pink Lemonade" back on the map!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Celeb sighting #8

Last night I made a Bloomies run with my friend Catherine. We were there right at closing time trying to find a birthday gift for our friend Kelly. We were coming down the escalator and at the bottom was Kerri Russell (Felicity)! She was looking for something or someone and acted like she was going to ask us a question. She's so cute... and soooooooo petite (shocker)!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Central Park Zoo

I didn't know what to expect before going to the Central Park Zoo...
We went last week on a beautiful spring day. I was very impressed with how clean it was(a major contrast to the Dallas zoo). It's pretty small - but they had plenty to entertain us. A petting zoo, sea lion show, penguins, a rainforest, polar bears,and more! The polar bears were definitely the highlight of our day.