Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I Heart NY!

I love that on a rainy day I can put on my rainboots and walk across the street to get anything I need (dinner, diapers, haircut, sunglasses, fruit, jewelry, clothes.... you name it).

I love that I have a trash chute right outside my door.

I love walking to Bloomies for 'tax free shopping week' (took advantage of that one yesterday).

I love using the subway to get to the other end of town in just a few minutes.

I love that I just signed up Griffin for swimming lessons at the community center and it's FREE!!!

I love calling One Stop Laundry and telling them "3-A has a pick-up"!

I love seeing shows. Our goal is to see atleast one a month. This month is "Wicked".

I love going down to our playroom when the kids are bouncing off the walls!

I LOVE the food here. I thought I was spoiled in Dallas... but I'm not kidding - the food here is SICK! (just in case you weren't aware - 'sick' is the new 'great').

I love that Griffin is inviting 13 kids to his birthday party - he's made friends really quickly.

I love the black and white cookie!!

I love being a mom in the City.... there's so much to see, do and experience!!