Thursday, January 19, 2006

I went to Disneyland...

Well - not exactly....
I went to TARGET!!!! It felt like I was at Disneyland.
My friend Kelly told me about a Target in Brooklyn that is right on the subway line. We took the 6 to 42nd street... walked across the platform to the 4 and took that train to Brooklyn. We got off the train and Target was literally right in front of us. It was wonderful! We bought lot's of heavy stuff that in hindsight - probably wasn't a great idea... but we were caught up in the moment!
Lucky for Griffin and Macy - there's a Chuck-E-Cheese right above Target. It was a great day for all of us... (except for the part about carrying lot's of very heavy bags, holding coats, navigating the stroller and holding griffin's hand on the way home)!!